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School: Village Power 2000 Team Bolivia Porvenir • Quest 1: Avisos Regulares • Task 01: Avisos
updated 10/9/2000 6:25:00 PM by Director de Porvenir
Report: Sep 28: Arrival in Santa Cruz, Bolivia
After all night flights across the Amazon jungle, Allan Baer and Ron Swenson arrived early this morning in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.

Today we met with representatives of the Department of Education, the Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary Club to identify schools here that are connected to the internet.

We met Rossy Winter, the Director of Public Relations at CAINCO, Cámara de Industria y Comercio de Santa Cruz. She kindly offered us assistance in our programs here.

Ron spoke to William Torrico Hurtado, the Director of the Rotary Club's "Programa Minga Digital" which is supporting schools in developing technology programs and internet connections. We have arranged a meeting with Sr. Torrico tomorrow morning to discuss with Sr. Torrico the opportunity for a Santa Cruz school to support distance education in Porvenir.

Ron at Centro Plaza

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